Tuesday 23 October 2012

Independent Research On Horror Movie Killer's & Weapons

Hi everyone, myself and Dean have been trying to decide on what our murderer's outfit would be, due to the fact we don't actually see the murderer we do see his hands to we was thinking if having him in a pair of leather gloves to give off the affect he is different and dressed in black so that he blends on with the darkness of the night and because he is the 'outsider' he would look different in a pair of black gloves. This also supports our idea of he doesn't want to be found out so he doesn't want to leave any fingerprints.

Research on killer's from other movies;

Halloween's murderer Michael Myers wears a mask over his face at all times. Although the police know who he is and they can easily catch him, he still feels comfortable wearing this mask as its what he wore when he was younger and murdered his family except his mother and baby sister. In a way, this is how Michael feels comfortable when he kills his victims.

His weapon is a large 
kitchen knife and this is what he uses on all of his victims. Sometimes he uses his hands for strangulation but he is more known for his big, sharp choice of weapon. Michael wants to show his pain of all the years he has been locked away by killing people so by using a weapon like this would make a painful cut to someones body and could draw a lot of blood.

Screams murderer's - there are different ones in every movie - all wear the same costume. In the film, the mask is known as Ghost Face and in all four movies this is what the killer would wear. Due to the film being centred around one girl - Sidney Prescott - the killer will kill everyone around her that mean something to her to build more tension and make her more scared as when will her turn be. So the killer wears a full cloak to hide underneath clothing, a mask to hide their face and hair and black boots. They also hide their voice when calling by using a monitor that changes their voice completely.

The weapon is a smaller knife than Halloween, although the killer does sometimes choose to first cause damage to the vitims body and then kill them in some other way. This makes it more easy as the killer doesn't actually want to be caught in this movie so it is a lot more easier to hide.

I Know What You Did Last Summer

The killer in I Know What You Did Last Summer wears a fisherman's jacket and hat which helps hide his identity from his victims. It also helps build tension with the audience as they will be wondering when they find out who the killer is. He wears his collar up to hide his face and it ties in with the fact he wants to play games with his victims before he kills them. 

The killers weapon is a hook which would come across as being very brutal. You would associate a hook with a fisherman which links to the killers outfit and it would also be a very gory way to kill someone and would also make the audience squirm.

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